Do you need an Arborist?
An arborist is a professional who specializes in tree care and has been trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining trees. As a tree owner, you should consider hiring an arborist if you notice signs of trouble with your tree(s). Maybe the leaves are wilting, falling off, or turning brown. There could be signs of fungus growing on the tree or insects eating away at the leaves. Even if there are no visible signs of a problem, a routine check-up is always a good idea to make sure your trees are healthy and not at risk of falling or causing damage. An arborist can diagnose and treat issues with trees, as well as provide guidance on how to care for and maintain your trees properly. Hiring an arborist can ultimately save you from costly damages while ensuring that your trees remain healthy for years to come.
Schedule a Trees Columbus Arborist visit:
Our consulting arborist, George Barker from Natural Resources Consulting, will visit your property to perform a Level 1 Risk Assessment. His rate is $200 per hour, with a one-hour minimum, and all fees directly support Trees Columbus. As a member, you’ll enjoy a 50% discount on the Level 1 Assessment. Click below to learn more about assessment levels, schedule a visit, or become a member.
Find an Aroborist in your area:
To find an arborist in your area click here for the International Society of Arboriculture website or click here for the ISA link "Find an Arborist." If your tree is on the City Right of Way, contact the CCG Department of Urban Forestry and Beautification at (706) 225-4779.